Rebekah Elizabeth Smedberg
Saturday, April 18th, 2009Madeleine Young Smedberg
Wednesday, May 7th, 2008Suzanne and I are pleased to announce the birth of Madeleine Young Smedberg, born 7 May A.D. 2008 at 12:26 a.m. 7 lbs. 4 oz., 20 inches. All are well.
Micah Wilkes Smedberg
Monday, February 5th, 2007Suzanne and I are pleased to announce the birth of Micah Wilkes Smedberg, born 3 February, 2007 at 1:34 p.m. (EST). All are happy and healthy.
This is our fourth child, but our first boy. For those interested, take a look at Ellie, Claire, and Abbey‘s birth announcements.
I will be taking two weeks of paternity leave. While I may not be able to stay away from email entirely, I won’t be actively engaged in Mozilla activities. Here are some alternate contact points while I am away:
- Build system
- Ted Mielczarek (luser) or Mark Mentovai (mento)
- Firefox partner builds
- Dan Mills (v_thunder)
- Toolkit
- Gavin Sharp (gavin) or Mike Connor (mconnor)
- Unit testing
- Robert Campbell (robcee) or Robert Sayrer (sayrer)
- Embedding/docshell
- Boris Zbarsky (bz)
New House!
Wednesday, July 5th, 2006We’re in the process of moving to our new house!:
303 Luzerne St.Johnstown, PA 15905
At bc’s and my grandmother’s prodding I have finally put together some pictures of the new house. I’d like to note, cryptically, that it I am extremely relieved that we hired a buyer’s agent realtor… he ended up saving us a boatload of money, time, and grief.
Abigail Porter Smedberg
Wednesday, March 8th, 2006Suzanne and I are pleased to announce the birth of Abigail Porter Smedberg, born at 3:38 p.m. EST on Tuesday March 7th: 8 lbs. 1 oz., 19 inches long. All are well. (more…)
Paternity Leave
Monday, March 6th, 2006I’m expecting a new baby tomorrow (she will be induced if she doesn’t come out naturally), so starting today I will be taking a two-week paternity leave. I’m not going to disappear completely, but I don’t expect to be doing any serious coding or reviewing for the next few weeks. The following peers are around to do urgent reviews in my absence:
- Build-config: Mark Mentovai or Bryan Ryner
- Embedding: Boris Zbarsky or Darin Fisher
- gtkmozembed: Crispin Persch (
I promise, I’ll post pictures of the new baby when she arrives!
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 23rd, 2005Merry Christmas everyone! I will be away on vacation until Jan. 3. I may be checking email early in the week, but don’t count on it. If there’s anything emergency-like, my Mozilla Corporation coworkers have my cell phone number. Blog comments may be moderated until I get back.
Intelligent Design
Tuesday, December 20th, 2005I was avoiding saying anything about the “Intelligent Design” debate, but I’m just fed up with the inanity of it: I believe that God created the heavens and the earth; maybe He used a Bing Bang, and allowed the natural laws that He created to govern evolution of life. Maybe not. There is plenty of empirical evidence for adaptive evolution within species/genera, but not a whole lot of evidence for macro-evolution.
So, we now have a school district or a teacher saying teaching a dull and vague concept like “perhaps the evolution of species wasn’t totally random, and an unnamed Force guided evolution”. How could this statement possibly be offensive? It is at least as scientific as “perhaps the evolution of species was totally random, and was not not guided by an unnamed Force”. We can’t go back and observe the process! At best the question is philosophical-scientific, not empirical-scientific (until we invent a time machine).
I used to think that when I read the Constitution, I would be able to get a fairly good grasp of what it actually means. The Constitution of the United States includes the following sentence in the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. What have we done to our Constitution since that sentence was written? This sentence doesn’t say anything about state governments or the local school board! In fact, many states in the U.S. retained official religions or anti-Catholic laws well into the 19th century. The first amendment doesn’t even say “the federal government shouldn’t believe there is a God”: the amendment is very carefully written to prevent the federal government from becoming explicitly sectarian, and it was actually promoted by the state of Maryland and the Catholics in it to prevent the U.S. government from enacting anti-Catholic taxes or laws.
Judicial activism, congressional ignorance, and misinterpretation of our founding documents has run so far from sanity I hardly believe we live under the rule of law any more. When our current president infamously ignores the rule of law and spies on his own citizens, and a lone judge can arrogantly assume the responsibility for banning the mere mention of intelligent design in a local classroom, it is time for weeping and outrage.
“The Higher Elevations”
Tuesday, October 25th, 2005A not-atypical winter weather forecast for Johnstown: “3-6 inches of snow; 10-12 inches in the higher elevations.” Suzanne and I live on the highest elevation in town: