JSON serialization of interconnected object graphs
In it’s basic form, JSON cannot serialize cyclic graphs of objects, or graphs where multiple paths can lead to the same object. In a project I’m working on, I wanted to move such a graph of highly-interconnected objects from JS to python. So I have invented a format built on top of JSON that can be used to serialize/deserialize such graphs.
Basically, the JSON comes across as a large list:
[ /* list[0] is the base object at the root of the eventual object graph. */ { /* string, number, true/false, and null properties are serialized directly */ "stringprop": "stringvalue", "numprop": 3.1415, /* but lists and objects are not serialized directly. Instead, they are represented by an index into the base list. "sharp" is a nod to JS sharp variables, from which this was originally inspired */ "complexprop": {"sharp": 1} }, /* list[1] is referenced from list[0].complexprop. It also references itself, see below */ [ "simplestring", 3, {"sharp": 1} ] ]
You can find JS for serializing these types of graphs here, and python for deserializing them here.
It turns out that I probably don’t actually need this code: I’ve found a simpler solution for my particular problem, but I wanted to share this solution in case other people might find it useful.
August 21st, 2008 at 1:52 pm
Hmmm, I remember reading about some semi-standardized solution for this called something like “JSON References”, but my google foo is apparently failing me right now.
August 21st, 2008 at 10:54 pm
Perhaps you’re thinking of JSPON? They took their system from XML. Everything’s been done by XML. It’s the Simpsons of markup languages.