Code Analysis and Rewriting at OSCON 2008

I’m going to be at OSCON next week. Taras and I will be hosting a BoF session on using automatic analysis and rewriting tools for open-source projects on Wednesday evening. You’re welcome to come and learn about our tools, watch demos, or just just heckle and meet!

I’ve been to OSCON once before. I got a chance to meet people in person I only knew via email, and also meet some new people who had read my blog or otherwise knew of me. It was a blast. I hope to meet even more people this time around. Many of the official sessions don’t look that exciting to me, so I might spend a decent amount of time at OSCamp or just talking to interesting people. If you’d like to meet me and can’t make the BoF session, you can probably catch me at the Mozilla booth.

I’ll be staying the following weekend in Portland, so if you have recommendations of restaurants or sights that I shouldn’t miss while I’m there, comments welcome.

Atom Feed for Comments 3 Responses to “Code Analysis and Rewriting at OSCON 2008”

  1. Benjamin Smedberg Says:

    My “personal schedule” is available at for those who are interested.

  2. Christopher Blizzard » Blog Archive » a session worth attending at OSCON Says:

    […] I didn’t realize it but both Ben and Taras will be at OSCON and will be talking about code analysis and code rewriting. […]

  3. byang Says:

    When I talk to others around, they rarely know what Dehydra is. I think many open sourcers will know what Dehydra and Pork after this.
    I will see the online sildes of your talk if there is.
    Have a good trip!

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