Testing Site for Mozilla Bug 880735

  1. Setting Up the Blocklist
  2. Clearing Permissions After Testing
  3. Single Enabled Plugin
  4. Single Click-To-Activate Plugin
  5. Single Disabled Plugin
  6. Single Hardblocked Plugin
  7. Single Outdated Plugin
  8. Single Unsafe Plugin
  9. Multiple Plugins

This site contains instructions and online resources to aid with testing and localization of Mozilla bug 880735.

In order to perform these tests, your browser should have two plugins installed: Java and Flash. Your Flash should be up to date. On Mac, it is only necessary to have the Apple Java "shim" plugin; it is not necessary to have Java installed.

Setting Up the Blocklist

Many of the scenarios below involve blocking the Java plugin in different ways. To do this, first set the extensions.blocklist.url pref in about:config. Then open the browser console and copy the following script into the browser console (Control-Shift-J):


Clearing Permissions After Testing

After testing the doorhanger, you may have unwanted site permissions left over in your profile. You can remove the plugin permissions from this website by running the following code in the browser console:

(function() {
  let Services = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {}).Services;
  let allperms = Services.perms.enumerator;
  while (allperms.hasMoreElements()) {
   let perm = allperms.getNext();
   if (perm.type.startsWith('plugin') && perm.host == 'benjamin.smedbergs.us') {
     Services.perms.remove(perm.host, perm.type);
     console.log("Removed permission " + perm.type);
  return "ok";


Single Enabled Plugin

Flash is enabled by default. Users can also configure other plugins to run by default in the addons manager.

  1. Verify in the addon manager that Flash is listed as "Always Activate".
  2. Load flash-solo.html in the browser. The Flash game should load automatically.
  3. The plugin notification should be visible. When opened, it should inform you that Flash is enabled and give you the option to disable Flash on this site.
  4. Choosing "Block Plugin" should make Flash be click-to-activate after reload.


Single Click-To-Activate Plugin

Users can configure any plugin to not run by default but ask on every site. This will be the default state for all non-Flash plugins in the future, but that is not yet implemented.

  1. Go into the addon manager and configure Flash to be "Ask to Activate".
  2. Reload flash-solo.html in the browser. The Flash game should show a click-to-play UI in the page.
  3. Clicking on the Flash box or the notification icon should show the plugin notification.


Single Disabled Plugin

Users can disable Flash or any other plugin in the addon manager. In this case, there is no option to enable the plugin on a per-site basis.

  1. Go into the addon manager and configure Flash to be "Never Activate".
  2. Reload flash-solo.html in the browser. The Flash game should show a disabled UI in the page. There should also be a link which opens the addons manager.
  3. Clicking on the Flash box should not show the plugin notification.
  4. Clicking on the notification icon should show the plugin notification.


Single Hardblocked Plugin

If a plugin is known to be malicious or harmful, it may be "hard blocked". This is only used for malware and similar cases, and is not used for normal plugins even if they have security issues.

  1. Using the instructions above, set the plugin blocklist to block-java-hard.xml and force-reload it.
  2. Close the dialog box that appears (restart is not necessary).
  3. Load java-solo.html.
  4. The plugin should be disabled.
  5. Clicking in the page should have no effect.
  6. Opening the plugin notification via the icon should not allow the user to enable the plugin.


Single Outdated Plugin

When a plugin is unsafe and there is an update available, the primary action we want users to take is to update the plugin.

  1. Using the instructions above, set the plugin blocklist to block-java-outdated.xml and force-reload it.
  2. Reload java-solo.html.
  3. The plugin should be listed as vulnerable and there should be links to check for plugin updates.
  4. Clicking the plugin should open the plugin notification. Screenshot unavailable due to bug 886940.
  5. Go ahead and click "Allow Now". The plugin should start.
  6. Click the notification icon again. The plugin should still be listed as outdated and the update link should still appear. The user has the option to block the plugin.
  7. When finished testing, clear all permissions using the code above.


Single Unsafe Plugin

When a plugin is unsafe and there is no update available, we want users not to use the plugin. Unfortunately the plugin may be necessary, so we attempt show them the risks and ask them.

  1. Using the instructions above, set the plugin blocklist to block-java-vulnerable.xml and force-reload it.
  2. Reload java-solo.html.
  3. The plugin should be listed as vulnerable and there should be links to more information about the block.
  4. Clicking the plugin should open the plugin notification.
  5. Go ahead and click "Allow Now". The plugin should start.
  6. Click the notification icon again. The plugin should still be listed as vulnerable and the details link should still appear. The user has the option to block the plugin.
  7. When finished testing, clear all permissions using the code above.


Multiple Plugins

When multiple kinds of plugins are loaded on the same page, the notification UI becomes more complicated, and allows users to choose the enabled state of each plugin separately. This case is hopefully quite rare.

The page javaflash-together.html includes both Java and Flash on a single page, for testing this UI. Complete testing will require repeating the above scenarios for plugins which have the following states:

When clicking the in-page plugin, just the information for that plugin will appear in the notification, along with a button to show all plugins:

When clicking the notification icon itself, all plugins should be shown:


Hidden and Covered Plugins

When plugins are too small to show the normal click-to-play content, or are completely hidden on the page, we replace the normal click-to-play overlay with an information bar so that the user can discover that the site wishes to use a plugin.

Here are some pages which test variations of this behavior: